Fehler bei PN's im Forum

Dieses Thema im Forum "Hosting & Server" wurde erstellt von Damarus, 16. Juli 2006 .

Status des Themas:
Es sind keine weiteren Antworten möglich.
  1. 16. Juli 2006
    Problembeschreibung: Bei mir kommt eine Fehlermeldung wenn ich eine PN versenden möchte...

    Fehlermeldung: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /usr/export/www/hosting/vegetarium06/pms.php on line 276

    Link zum Forum oder Screenshot: www.Vegetarium.de.vu

    Was wurde zuletzt geändert oder eingebaut? Vote 4 Us banner nebeneinander gemacht

    Hab die PHP datei mal als script gepostet....

    <? php
    = "pms.php" ;

    require (
    "./global.php" );
    "./acp/lib/class_parse.php" );

    $wbbuserdata [ 'userid' ] ||  $wbbuserdata [ 'canusepms' ]== 0 access_error ();

    $_REQUEST [ 'folderid' ]))  $folderid = $_REQUEST [ 'folderid' ];
    $folderid = "0" ;

    $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]))  $action = $_REQUEST [ 'action' ];
    $action = "" ;

    if(! $action ) {
    $pmcount )= $db -> query_first ( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bb" . $n . "_privatemessage WHERE recipientid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND deletepm<>1" );

    $result  $db -> query ( "SELECT folderid, title FROM bb" . $n . "_folders WHERE userid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' ORDER BY title ASC" );
    $folder_bit = "" ;
    $moveto_options = "" ;
    $folder [ 'title' ]= "" ;
    $row = $db -> fetch_array ( $result )) {
      eval (
    "\$folder_bit .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_folderbit" ). "\";" );
    $row [ 'folderid' ]== $folderid $folder [ 'title' ]= $row [ 'title' ];
      else {
       eval (
    "\$moveto_options .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_moveto_options" ). "\";" );
    $folderid != "outbox"  &&  $folderid != && ! $folder [ 'title' ])  access_error ();
    $folder [ 'title' ])  $folder [ 'title' ]= "Inbox" ;
    $folderid != "outbox"  &&  $folderid != 0 ) eval ( "\$folder_rename = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_folder_rename" ). "\";" );
    $folder_rename = "" ;
    $pms_bit = "" ;

    $d_select [ 1 ]= "" ;
    $d_select [ 2 ]= "" ;
    $d_select [ 5 ]= "" ;
    $d_select [ 10 ]= "" ;
    $d_select [ 20 ]= "" ;
    $d_select [ 30 ]= "" ;
    $d_select [ 45 ]= "" ;
    $d_select [ 60 ]= "" ;
    $d_select [ 75 ]= "" ;
    $d_select [ 100 ]= "" ;
    $d_select [ 365 ]= "" ;

    $folderid == "outbox" ) {
    $result = $db -> query ( "SELECT
       p.privatemessageid, p.subject, p.sendtime, p.iconid,
       i.iconpath, i.icontitle,
       u.userid, u.username
       FROM bb"
    . $n . "_privatemessage p
       LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_icons i USING(iconid)
       LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_users u ON (p.recipientid=u.userid)
       WHERE p.senderid='
    $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND p.deletepm<>2
       ORDER BY sendtime DESC"
    $row = $db -> fetch_array ( $result )) {
    $row [ 'iconid' ])  $icon = makeimgtag ( $row [ 'iconpath' ], $row [ 'icontitle' ]);
    $icon = "&nbsp;" ;

    $senddate = formatdate ( $dateformat , $row [ 'sendtime' ]);
    $sendtime = formatdate ( $timeformat , $row [ 'sendtime' ]);

       eval (
    "\$pms_bit .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_bit_outbox" ). "\";" );

    "\$tpl->output(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_outbox" ). "\");" );
     else {
    $result = $db -> query ( "SELECT
       p.privatemessageid, p.subject, p.sendtime, p.view, p.reply, p.forward, p.iconid,
       i.iconpath, i.icontitle,
       u.userid, u.username
       FROM bb"
    . $n . "_privatemessage p
       LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_icons i USING(iconid)
       LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_users u ON (p.senderid=u.userid)
       WHERE p.recipientid='
    $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND p.folderid='" . addslashes ( $folderid ). "' AND p.deletepm<>1
       ORDER BY sendtime DESC"
    $row = $db -> fetch_array ( $result )) {
    $row [ 'iconid' ])  $icon = makeimgtag ( $row [ 'iconpath' ], $row [ 'icontitle' ]);
    $icon = "&nbsp;" ;

    $senddate = formatdate ( $dateformat , $row [ 'sendtime' ]);
    $sendtime = formatdate ( $timeformat , $row [ 'sendtime' ]);

    $row [ 'sendtime' ] >=  $wbbuserdata [ 'lastvisit' ] &&  $row [ 'view' ]== 0 $pm_image  makeimgtag ( "{imagefolder}/pm_new.gif" );
    $row [ 'view' ]== 0 $pm_image  makeimgtag ( "{imagefolder}/pm_unread.gif" );
       else {
    $row [ 'reply' ]== &&  $row [ 'forward' ]== 1 $pm_image  makeimgtag ( "{imagefolder}/pm_reward.gif" );
    $row [ 'reply' ]== 1 $pm_image  makeimgtag ( "{imagefolder}/pm_reply.gif" );
    $row [ 'forward' ]== 1 $pm_image  makeimgtag ( "{imagefolder}/pm_forward.gif" );
    $pm_image  makeimgtag ( "{imagefolder}/pm_normal.gif" );

       eval (
    "\$pms_bit .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_bit" ). "\";" );

    "\$tpl->output(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_folder" ). "\");" );

    if(isset( $_POST [ 'action' ]) &&  $_POST [ 'action' ]== "createfolder" ) {
    $foldertitle = trim ( $_POST [ 'foldertitle' ]);
    $foldertitle ) eval( "redirect(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "redirect_falsefolder" ). "\",\"pms.php?sid= $session [ hash ] \",5);" );

    $foldercount )= $db -> query_first ( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bb" . $n . "_folders WHERE userid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] '" );
    $foldercount >= $maxfolders ) eval( "redirect(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "redirect_toomanyfolders" ). "\",\"pms.php?sid= $session [ hash ] \",5);" );

    $db -> query ( "INSERT INTO bb" . $n . "_folders (folderid,userid,title) VALUES (NULL,' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ','" . addslashes ( htmlspecialchars ( $foldertitle )). "')" );
    $folderid = $db -> insert_id ();
    header ( "Location: pms.php?folderid= $folderid &sid= $session [ hash ] " );

    if(isset( $_POST [ 'action' ]) &&  $_POST [ 'action' ]== "renamefolder" ) {
    $foldertitle = trim ( $_POST [ 'foldertitle' ]);
    $folderid = intval ( $_POST [ 'folderid' ]);

    $controluser )= $db -> query_first ( "SELECT userid FROM bb" . $n . "_folders WHERE folderid=' $folderid '" );
    $controluser != $wbbuserdata [ 'userid' ])  access_error ();

    $db -> unbuffered_query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_folders SET title = '" . addslashes ( htmlspecialchars ( $foldertitle )). "' WHERE folderid=' $folderid '" , 1 );
    header ( "Location: pms.php?folderid= $folderid &sid= $session [ hash ] " );

    if(isset( $_GET [ 'action' ]) &&  $_GET [ 'action' ]== "removefolder" ) {
    $folderid = intval ( $_GET [ 'folderid' ]);

    $controluser )= $db -> query_first ( "SELECT userid FROM bb" . $n . "_folders WHERE folderid=' $folderid '" );
    $controluser != $wbbuserdata [ 'userid' ])  access_error ();

    $db -> unbuffered_query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_privatemessage SET folderid = '0' WHERE folderid=' $folderid '" , 1 );
    $db -> unbuffered_query ( "DELETE FROM bb" . $n . "_folders WHERE folderid=' $folderid '" , 1 );
    header ( "Location: pms.php?sid= $session [ hash ] " );

    if(isset( $_POST [ 'action' ]) &&  $_POST [ 'action' ]== "delmark" ) {
    $_POST [ 'pmid' ] &&  count ( $_POST [ 'pmid' ]))  $pmids = implode ( ',' , $_POST [ 'pmid' ]);
    $pmids = "" ;
    $pmids ) {
    $_POST [ 'folderid' ]== "outbox" ) {
    $db -> query ( "DELETE FROM bb" . $n . "_privatemessage WHERE senderid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND deletepm=1 AND privatemessageid IN (" . addslashes ( $pmids ). ")" );
    $db -> unbuffered_query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_privatemessage SET deletepm=2 WHERE senderid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND privatemessageid IN (" . addslashes ( $pmids ). ")" , 1 );
      else {
    $db -> query ( "DELETE FROM bb" . $n . "_privatemessage WHERE recipientid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND deletepm=2 AND privatemessageid IN (" . addslashes ( $pmids ). ")" );
    $db -> unbuffered_query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_privatemessage SET deletepm=1 WHERE recipientid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND privatemessageid IN (" . addslashes ( $pmids ). ")" , 1 );
    header ( "Location: pms.php?folderid= $folderid &sid= $session [ hash ] " );

    if(isset( $_POST [ 'action' ]) &&  $_POST [ 'action' ]== "delall" ) {
    $_POST [ 'folderid' ]== "outbox" ) {
    $db -> query ( "DELETE FROM bb" . $n . "_privatemessage WHERE senderid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND deletepm=1" );
    $db -> unbuffered_query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_privatemessage SET deletepm=2 WHERE senderid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] '" , 1 );
     else {
    $db -> query ( "DELETE FROM bb" . $n . "_privatemessage WHERE recipientid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND folderid='" . intval ( $_POST [ 'folderid' ]). "' AND deletepm=2" );
    $db -> unbuffered_query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_privatemessage SET deletepm=1 WHERE recipientid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND folderid='" . intval ( $_POST [ 'folderid' ]). "'" , 1 );
    header ( "Location: pms.php?folderid= $folderid &sid= $session [ hash ] " );

    if(isset( $_GET [ 'action' ]) &&  $_GET [ 'action' ]== "viewpm" ) {
    $_GET [ 'outbox' ])) {
    $pmid = intval ( $_GET [ 'pmid' ]);
    $pm = $db -> query_first ( "SELECT
       i.iconpath, i.icontitle,
       u.userid, u.username, u.signature
       FROM bb"
    . $n . "_privatemessage p
       LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_icons i USING(iconid)
       LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_users u ON (p.recipientid=u.userid)
       WHERE p.privatemessageid='
    $pmid ' AND p.deletepm<>2" );
    $pm [ 'senderid' ]!= $wbbuserdata [ 'userid' ]) eval( "error(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "error_falselink" ). "\");" );

    $senddate = formatdate ( $dateformat , $pm [ 'sendtime' ]);
    $sendtime = formatdate ( $timeformat , $pm [ 'sendtime' ]);
    $pm [ 'iconid' ])  $icon = makeimgtag ( $pm [ 'iconpath' ], $pm [ 'icontitle' ]);
    $icon = "" ;

    $parse  = new  parse ( $docensor , 90 , $pm [ 'showsmilies' ]* $pm_allowsmilies , $pm_allowbbcode , $wbbuserdata [ 'showimages' ], $usecode );
    $pm [ 'message' ]= $parse -> doparse ( $pm [ 'message' ], $pm [ 'showsmilies' ]* $pm_allowsmilies , $pm_allowhtml , $pm_allowbbcode , $pm_allowimages );
    $pm [ 'subject' ]= $parse -> textwrap ( $pm [ 'subject' ], 30 );
    $pm [ 'showsignature' ]== &&  $wbbuserdata [ 'showsignatures' ]== &&  $wbbuserdata [ 'signature' ]) {
    $posts [ 'signature' ]= $parse -> doparse ( $wbbuserdata [ 'signature' ], $pm [ 'showsmilies' ]* $allowsigsmilies , $allowsightml , $allowsigbbcode , $maxsigimage );
       eval (
    "\$signature = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "thread_signature" ). "\";" );
    "\$tpl->output(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_viewpm_outbox" ). "\");" );
     else {
    $pmid = intval ( $_GET [ 'pmid' ]);
    $pm = $db -> query_first ( "SELECT
       p.*, f.*,
       i.iconpath, i.icontitle,
       u.userid, u.username, u.signature
       FROM bb"
    . $n . "_privatemessage p
       LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_icons i USING(iconid)
       LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_users u ON (p.senderid=u.userid)
       LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_folders f ON (p.folderid=f.folderid)
       WHERE p.privatemessageid='
    $pmid ' AND p.deletepm<>1" );
    $pm [ 'recipientid' ]!= $wbbuserdata [ 'userid' ]) eval( "error(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "error_falselink" ). "\");" );
    $pm [ 'view' ]== 0 $db -> query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_privatemessage SET view='" . time (). "' WHERE privatemessageid=' $pmid '" );

    $senddate = formatdate ( $dateformat , $pm [ 'sendtime' ]);
    $sendtime = formatdate ( $timeformat , $pm [ 'sendtime' ]);
    $pm [ 'iconid' ])  $icon = makeimgtag ( $pm [ 'iconpath' ], $pm [ 'icontitle' ]);
    $icon = "" ;

    $pm [ 'folderid' ]== 0 $pm [ 'title' ]= "Inbox" ;
    $parse  = new  parse ( $docensor , 90 , $pm [ 'showsmilies' ]* $pm_allowsmilies , $pm_allowbbcode , $wbbuserdata [ 'showimages' ], $usecode );
    $pm [ 'message' ]= $parse -> doparse ( $pm [ 'message' ], $pm [ 'showsmilies' ]* $pm_allowsmilies , $pm_allowhtml , $pm_allowbbcode , $pm_allowimages );
    $pm [ 'subject' ]= $parse -> textwrap ( $pm [ 'subject' ], 30 );
    $pm [ 'showsignature' ]== &&  $wbbuserdata [ 'showsignatures' ]== &&  $pm [ 'signature' ]) {
    $posts [ 'signature' ]= $parse -> doparse ( $pm [ 'signature' ], $pm [ 'showsmilies' ]* $allowsigsmilies , $allowsightml , $allowsigbbcode , $maxsigimage );
       eval (
    "\$signature = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "thread_signature" ). "\";" );
    "\$tpl->output(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_viewpm" ). "\");" );

    if( $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]== "newpm"  ||  $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]== "replypm"  ||  $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]== "forwardpm" ) {
    $newpm_default_checked_0 == 1 $checked [ 0 ]= "checked" ;
    $newpm_default_checked_1 == 1 $checked [ 1 ]= "checked" ;
    $newpm_default_checked_2 == 1 $checked [ 2 ]= "checked" ;
    $newpm_default_checked_3 == 1 $checked [ 3 ]= "checked" ;
    $newpm_default_checked_4 == 1 $checked [ 4 ]= "checked" ;
    $_REQUEST [ 'pmid' ]))  $pmid = intval ( $_REQUEST [ 'pmid' ]);

    $_POST [ 'send' ])) {
    $subject = trim ( $_POST [ 'subject' ]);
    $recipient = trim ( $_POST [ 'recipient' ]);
    $message = stripcrap ( trim ( $_POST [ 'message' ]));
    $_POST [ 'iconid' ]))  $iconid = intval ( $_POST [ 'iconid' ]);
    $iconid = 0 ;

    $_POST [ 'preview' ])) {
    $error = "" ;
    $subject  || ! $recipient  || ! $message ) eval ( "\$error .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "newthread_error1" ). "\";" );
    $recipient ) {
    $result = $db -> query_first ( "SELECT userid, username, email, ignorelist, receivepm, emailonpm, pmpopup FROM bb" . $n . "_users WHERE username='" . addslashes ( htmlspecialchars ( $recipient )). "'" );
    $recipient  htmlspecialchars ( $recipient );
    $result [ 'userid' ]) eval ( "\$error .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_newpm_error1" ). "\";" );
        else {
    $result [ 'receivepm' ]== 0 ) eval ( "\$error .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_newpm_error2" ). "\";" );
    add2list ( $result [ 'ignorelist' ], $wbbuserdata [ 'userid' ])==- 1 ) eval ( "\$error .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_newpm_error3" ). "\";" );
         else {
    $countpms )= $db -> query_first ( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bb" . $n . "_privatemessage WHERE recipientid=' $result [ userid ] ' AND deletepm<>1" );
    $countpms >= $maxpms ) eval ( "\$error .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_newpm_error4" ). "\";" );
    $error ) eval ( "\$pm_error = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "newthread_error" ). "\";" );
       else {
    $_POST [ 'parseurl' ]== 1 $message = parseURL ( $message );
    $db -> unbuffered_query ( "INSERT INTO bb" . $n . "_privatemessage (privatemessageid,senderid,recipientid,subject,message,sendtime,showsmilies,showsignature,iconid,deletepm) VALUES (NULL,' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ',' $result [ userid ] ','" . addslashes ( htmlspecialchars ( $subject )). "','" . addslashes ( $message ). "','" . time (). "','" .( 1 - intval ( $_POST [ 'disablesmilies' ])). "','" . intval ( $_POST [ 'showsignature' ]). "',' $iconid ','" . ifelse ( $_POST [ 'savecopy' ]== 1 , 0 , 2 ). "')" , 1 );

    //Guthaben-Hack BEGIN
    $guthaben_hack = $db -> query_first ( "SELECT pn_onoff, pn_wert FROM bb" . $n . "_guthaben_config" );
        If (
    $guthaben_hack [ 'pn_onoff' ]== 1 ){
    $db -> unbuffered_query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_users SET guthaben=guthaben-" . $guthaben_hack [ pn_wert ]. " WHERE userid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] '" , 1 );
    $db -> query ( "INSERT INTO bb" . $n . "_guthaben_konto (userid,begruendung,wieviel,date) VALUES ( $wbbuserdata [ userid ] , 'Erstellung einer Privaten Nachricht', ' $guthaben_hack [  pn_wert]','" . time (). "')" );
    //Guthaben Hack END

    if( $result [ 'pmpopup' ]== 1 $db -> unbuffered_query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_users SET pmpopup=2 WHERE userid=' $result [ userid ] '" , 1 );

    $result [ 'emailonpm' ]== 1 ) {
         eval (
    "\$mail_text = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "mt_newpm" ). "\";" );
         eval (
    "\$mail_subject = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "ms_newpm" ). "\";" );
    mailer ( $result [ 'email' ], $mail_subject , $mail_text );

    $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]== "replypm" $db -> unbuffered_query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_privatemessage SET reply=1 WHERE privatemessageid=' $pmid ' AND recipientid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] '" , 1 );
    $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]== "forwardpm" $db -> unbuffered_query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_privatemessage SET forward=1 WHERE privatemessageid=' $pmid ' AND recipientid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] '" , 1 );
    header ( "Location: pms.php?sid= $session [ hash ] " );
      else {
    $allowsmilies = 1 - intval ( $_POST [ 'disablesmilies' ]);
    $parse  = new  parse ( $docensor , 75 , $allowsmilies * $pm_allowsmilies , $pm_allowbbcode , $wbbuserdata [ 'showimages' ], $usecode );
    $preview_subject = $parse -> textwrap ( htmlspecialchars ( $subject ), 30 );
    $preview_message = $parse -> doparse ( ifelse ( $_POST [ 'parseurl' ]== 1 , parseURL ( $message ), $message ), $allowsmilies * $pm_allowsmilies , $pm_allowhtml , $pm_allowbbcode , $pm_allowimages );
    $iconid ) {
    $result  $db -> query_first ( "SELECT * FROM bb" . $n . "_icons WHERE iconid = ' $iconid '" );
    $preview_posticon = makeimgtag ( $result [ 'iconpath' ], $result [ 'icontitle' ]);
       eval (
    "\$preview_window = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_newpm_preview" ). "\";" );
    $_POST [ 'parseurl' ]== 1 $checked [ 0 ]= "checked" ;
    $checked [ 0 ]= "" ;
    $_POST [ 'disablesmilies' ]== 1 $checked [ 1 ]= "checked" ;
    $checked [ 1 ]= "" ;
    $_POST [ 'showsignature' ]== 1 $checked [ 2 ]= "checked" ;
    $checked [ 2 ]= "" ;
    $_POST [ 'savecopy' ]== 1 $checked [ 3 ]= "checked" ;
    $checked [ 3 ]= "" ;
     else {
    $_GET [ 'userid' ])) list( $recipient )= $db -> query_first ( "SELECT username FROM bb" . $n . "_users WHERE userid='" . intval ( $_GET [ 'userid' ]). "'" );
    $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]== "replypm"  ||  $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]== "forwardpm" ) {
    $pm  $db -> query_first ( "SELECT p.senderid, p.subject, p.message, p.sendtime, u.username FROM bb" . $n . "_privatemessage p LEFT JOIN bb" . $n . "_users u ON (u.userid=p.senderid) WHERE p.privatemessageid=' $pmid ' AND p.recipientid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] '" );
    $sendtime = formatdate ( $dateformat . " " . $timeformat , $pm [ 'sendtime' ]);
    $docensor == 1 ) {
    $parse $pm [ 'message' ]= $parse -> censor ( $pm [ 'message' ]);
        else {
    $parse  = new  parse ( 1 );
    $pm [ 'message' ]= $parse -> censor ( $pm [ 'message' ]);

    $pm [ 'username' ]= rehtmlspecialchars ( $pm [ 'username' ]);

    $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]== "replypm" ) {
    $pm [ 'subject' ]= preg_replace ( "/^RE: /i" , "" , $pm [ 'subject' ]);
        eval (
    "\$subject = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_reply_subject" ). "\";" );
        eval (
    "\$message = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_reply_message" ). "\";" );
    $recipient = $pm [ 'username' ];
    $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]== "forwardpm" ) {
    $pm [ 'subject' ]= preg_replace ( "/^FW: /i" , "" , $pm [ 'subject' ]);
        eval (
    "\$subject = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_forward_subject" ). "\";" );
        eval (
    "\$message = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_forward_message" ). "\";" );

    $iconid ))  $iconid = 0 ;

    $ICONselected [ $iconid ]= "checked" ;
    $result  $db -> query ( "SELECT * FROM bb" . $n . "_icons ORDER BY iconorder ASC" );
    $iconcount = 0 ;
    $row = $db -> fetch_array ( $result )) {
    $row_iconid = $row [ 'iconid' ];
      eval (
    "\$choice_posticons .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "newthread_iconbit" ). "\";" );
    $iconcount == 6 ) {
    $choice_posticons .= "<br>" ;
    $iconcount = 0 ;
    $iconcount ++;
     eval (
    "\$pm_icons .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "newthread_icons" ). "\";" );

    $pm_allowbbcode == 1 $bbcode_buttons  getcodebuttons ();
    $pm_allowsmilies == 1 $bbcode_smilies  getclickysmilies ( $smilie_table_cols , $smilie_table_rows );

     eval (
    "\$note = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "note_html_" . ifelse ( $pm_allowhtml == 0 , "not_" ). "allow" ). "\";" );
     eval (
    "\$note .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "note_bbcode_" . ifelse ( $pm_allowbbcode == 0 , "not_" ). "allow" ). "\";" );
     eval (
    "\$note .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "note_smilies_" . ifelse ( $pm_allowsmilies == 0 , "not_" ). "allow" ). "\";" );
     eval (
    "\$note .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "note_images_" . ifelse ( $pm_allowimages == 0 , "not_" ). "allow" ). "\";" );

    $message ))  $message = parse :: convertHTML ( $message );
    $subject ))  $subject = str_replace ( "\"" , "&quot;" , $subject );
    $recipient ))  $recipient = str_replace ( "\"" , "&quot;" , $recipient );

    "\$tpl->output(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_newpm" ). "\");" );

    if(isset( $_GET [ 'action' ]) &&  $_GET [ 'action' ]== "downloadpm" ) {
    $pm = $db -> query_first ( "SELECT p.privatemessageid, p.subject, p.message, p.sendtime, u.username FROM bb" . $n . "_privatemessage p LEFT JOIN bb" . $n . "_users u ON (u.userid=p.senderid) WHERE privatemessageid='" . intval ( $_GET [ 'pmid' ]). "' AND recipientid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] '" );
    $pm [ 'privatemessageid' ]) eval( "error(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "error_falselink" ). "\");" );
    $sendtime = formatdate ( $dateformat . " " . $timeformat , $pm [ 'sendtime' ]);

    $mime_type  = ( USR_BROWSER_AGENT  ==  'IE'  ||  USR_BROWSER_AGENT  ==  'OPERA' ) ?  'application/octetstream'  'application/octet-stream' ;
    $content_disp  = ( USR_BROWSER_AGENT  ==  'IE' ) ?  'inline; '  'attachment; ' ;
    header ( 'Content-Type: ' . $mime_type );
    header ( 'Content-disposition: ' . $content_disp . 'filename="pm-' . $pm [ 'privatemessageid' ]. '.txt"' );
    header ( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
    header ( 'Expires: 0' );

    "print(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_download" ). "\");" );

    if( $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]== "deletepm" ) {
    $pmid = intval ( $_REQUEST [ 'pmid' ]);
    $_REQUEST [ 'outbox' ]))  $outbox = intval ( $_REQUEST [ 'outbox' ]);
    $outbox = 0 ;
    $_POST [ 'send' ]) &&  $_POST [ 'send' ]== "send" ) {
    $outbox == 1 ) {
    $db -> query ( "DELETE FROM bb" . $n . "_privatemessage WHERE senderid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND deletepm=1 AND privatemessageid=' $pmid '" );
    $db -> unbuffered_query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_privatemessage SET deletepm=2 WHERE senderid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND privatemessageid=' $pmid '" , 1 );
    header ( "Location: pms.php?folderid=outbox&sid= $session [ hash ] " );
      else {
    $db -> query ( "DELETE FROM bb" . $n . "_privatemessage WHERE recipientid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND deletepm=2 AND privatemessageid=' $pmid '" );
    $db -> unbuffered_query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_privatemessage SET deletepm=1 WHERE recipientid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND privatemessageid=' $pmid '" , 1 );
    header ( "Location: pms.php?sid= $session [ hash ] " );

    "\$tpl->output(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_deletepm" ). "\");" );

    if( $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]== "printpm" ) {
    $pmid = intval ( $_REQUEST [ 'pmid' ]);
    $pm = $db -> query_first ( "SELECT
      p.*, i.iconpath, i.icontitle,
      u.userid, u.username, u.signature
      FROM bb"
    . $n . "_privatemessage p
      LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_icons i USING(iconid)
      LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_users u ON (p.senderid=u.userid)
      WHERE p.privatemessageid='
    $pmid ' AND p.deletepm<>1" );
    $pm [ 'recipientid' ]!= $wbbuserdata [ 'userid' ]) eval( "error(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "error_falselink" ). "\");" );

    $senddate = formatdate ( $dateformat , $pm [ 'sendtime' ]);
    $sendtime = formatdate ( $timeformat , $pm [ 'sendtime' ]);

    $pm [ 'iconid' ])  $icon = makeimgtag ( $pm [ 'iconpath' ], $pm [ 'icontitle' ]);
    $icon = "" ;

    $parse  = new  parse ( $docensor , 90 , $pm [ 'showsmilies' ]* $pm_allowsmilies , $pm_allowbbcode , $wbbuserdata [ 'showimages' ], $usecode );
    $pm [ 'message' ]= $parse -> doparse ( $pm [ 'message' ], $pm [ 'showsmilies' ]* $pm_allowsmilies , $pm_allowhtml , $pm_allowbbcode , $pm_allowimages );
    $pm [ 'subject' ]= $parse -> textwrap ( $pm [ 'subject' ], 30 );
    $pm [ 'showsignature' ]== &&  $wbbuserdata [ 'showsignatures' ]== &&  $pm [ 'signature' ]) {
    $posts [ 'signature' ]= $parse -> doparse ( $pm [ 'signature' ], $pm [ 'showsmilies' ]* $allowsigsmilies , $allowsightml , $allowsigbbcode , $maxsigimage );
      eval (
    "\$signature = \"" . $tpl -> get ( "thread_signature" ). "\";" );

    "\$tpl->output(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "pms_printpm" ). "\");" );

    $_REQUEST [ 'action' ]== "popup" ) {
    $result = $db -> query ( "SELECT
      p.privatemessageid, p.subject, p.sendtime, p.iconid,
      i.iconpath, i.icontitle,
      u.userid, u.username
      FROM bb"
    . $n . "_privatemessage p
      LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_icons i USING(iconid)
      LEFT JOIN bb"
    . $n . "_users u ON (p.senderid=u.userid)
      WHERE p.recipientid='
    $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND p.sendtime>' $wbbuserdata [ lastvisit ] ' AND p.view=0 AND p.deletepm<>1
      ORDER BY p.sendtime DESC"

    $pmscount = $db -> num_rows ( $result );

    $pmbit = "" ;
    $row = $db -> fetch_array ( $result )) {
    $row [ 'iconid' ])  $icon = makeimgtag ( $row [ 'iconpath' ], $row [ 'icontitle' ]);
    $icon = "&nbsp;" ;

    $senddate = formatdate ( $dateformat , $row [ 'sendtime' ]);
    $sendtime = formatdate ( $timeformat , $row [ 'sendtime' ]);

      eval (
    "\$pmbit .= \"" . $tpl -> get ( "pmpopup_pmbit" ). "\";" );

     eval (
    "\$tpl->output(\"" . $tpl -> get ( "pmpopup" ). "\");" );

    if(isset( $_POST [ 'action' ]) &&  substr ( $_POST [ 'action' ], 0 , 6 )== "moveto" ) {
    $tofolderid = substr ( $_POST [ 'action' ], 7 );
    $_POST [ 'pmid' ] &&  count ( $_POST [ 'pmid' ]))  $pmids = implode ( ',' , $_POST [ 'pmid' ]);
    $pmids = "" ;
    $pmids ) {
    $controluser )= $db -> query_first ( "SELECT userid FROM bb" . $n . "_folders WHERE folderid=' $tofolderid '" );
    $controluser != $wbbuserdata [ 'userid' ])  access_error ();

    $db -> query ( "UPDATE bb" . $n . "_privatemessage SET folderid=' $tofolderid ' WHERE recipientid=' $wbbuserdata [ userid ] ' AND privatemessageid IN (" . addslashes ( $pmids ). ")" );
    header ( "Location: pms.php?folderid= $folderid &sid= $session [ hash ] " );
  2. 16. Juli 2006
    Es könnte durchaus an dem Guthaben-Hack liegen, das das nicht richtig funktioniert.
    Wenn man das nicht braucht, dann sollte man es abstellen/deinstallieren.

  3. 16. Juli 2006
    ich brauch das Guthaben Hack ja... Kann mir vielleicht einer helfen das ich Guthaben hack und PN's benutzen kann?

    Übrigens, ich kenn noch andere Foren mit diesem Hack und die können auch PN's versenden...
  4. 16. Juli 2006
    If ($guthaben_hack['pn_onoff']==1){
    replace with

    if ($guthaben_hack['pn_onoff'] == 1) {

    versuch das.
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