
Dieses Thema im Forum "Schule, Studium, Ausbildung" wurde erstellt von -Naruto-, 7. Dezember 2008 .

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  1. 7. Dezember 2008
    Hallo erstmal,

    leider muss ich bald ein reading portfolio abgeben und ich möchte gerne meinen Text verbesen lassen. Die Sachen, die meiner Meinung nach verbessert werden müssen sind die Zeiten (Tense), Rechtschreibung, Kommafehler und die Satzstellung. Wenn eurer Meinung ein Wort nicht in den Satz könnt ihr es auch gerne ersetzen. Ich wollte nur sagen dass wir den Text im simple presen schreiben müssen. Aber ich weiss nicht ob ich das eingehalten habe. Danke im Vorraus. ( Dies sind Zusammenfassungen von den Kapiteln im Buch)


    Chapter 3

    In Chapter three Two-Bit, Marcia, Cherry, Johnny and Ponyboy leave the cinema and suddenly they realize that Cherry and Marcia didn’t have a way to get home. Two-Bit has a good idea. He suggests that he can drive them home but only on one condition. Marcia and Cherry have to come to his house so he can pick up his car. The two girls agree with Two-Bits idea and the five set off to Two-Bits house. During the walk Ponyboy and Cherry discuss about the differences between Socs and Greasers. After this discussion Ponyboy and Cherry realize that they have a great deal in common. For example they both enjoy books and watching sunsets. Later Cherry asks Ponyboy to describe his older brother “Darry.” Ponyboy says that he doesn’t like his brother Darry. His opinion is that he is a problem for his brother. Johnny and Two-Bit are shocked to hear that Ponyboy feels this way. Suddenly a blue Mustang cruises by the group. When the car stops Bob and Randy get out. Johnny notices that Bob wears three rings on his hand. To avoid a fight, Cherry and Marcia agree to leave with their boyfriends. At home Darry is furious with Ponyboy for staying out late. He slaps Ponyboy and Ponyboy storms out in range. Shortly after 2:00 in the morning he finds Johnny who lives with an alcoholic father. The boys decide to walk through the park, so they can make a plan.

    Chapter 4

    Around 2:30 in the morning, Ponyboy and Johnny go walking near the fountain in the park. Suddenly the blue Mustang appears and 5 Socs jump out. Two of them were Bob and Randy. They come, because the three greasers picked up their girlfriend. Bob and Ponyboy trade insults and Bob decides to hold Ponyboys head in the water of the park fountain. Immediately the Soc caught his arm and pusched his head under the water. Johnny feels that he is in danger and because of his experience with Socs in the past, he panics. When Johnny wakes up after a short insensibility, he sees Johnnys switchblade covered in blood. He understands that Johnny killed him. The two greases decide to go to Dally for help. Dally is at Buck Merrill’s house. Dally gives them money and a loaded gun. Finally, Dally instructs them to take a train to Windrixville. After the ride, they two jump fom the taind and find the church. After they go inside they immediately go to sleep.
  2. 7. Dezember 2008
    AW: Englisch

    Willst du jetzt jeden Teil deiner Aufgabe hier verbessern lassen? Hatte kein Bock auf Farben diesmal. :x
  3. 7. Dezember 2008
    AW: Englisch

    In Chapter 3 of the book 'The Outsiders', written by Susan Eloise, Johnny, Ponyboy, Two-Bit, Marcia & Cherry leave the cinema and suddenly realize that Cherry and Marcia don't have a possibility to get home.

    Two-Bit has a good idea: He suggests that he can drive them home but only if they come to his house, so he can pick up his car. The two girls agree with Two-Bits idea and the goup sets off to Two-Bits house. During the walk Ponyboy and Cherry discuss about the differences between Socs and Greasers. After this discussion the 2 realise they have many things incommon. For example they both enjoy books and sunsets. Later Cherry asks Ponyboy to describe his older brother “Darry.” He says that he doesn’t like his brother Darry and believes that he is just a problem in his eyes. Johnny and Two-Bit are shocked to hear Ponyboy talking like this.

    Suddenly a blue Mustang drives by the group. The car stops, Bob and Randy get out. Johnny notices that Bob wears three rings on his hand. To avoid a fight, Cherry and Marcia agree to leave with their boyfriends. At home Darry is furious with Ponyboy for staying out late. He slaps his younger brother and Ponyboy storms out in range. Shortly after 2:00 in the morning he finds Johnny who lives with his alcoholic father. The boys decide to walk through the park, so they can make a plan about how they can face the future.

    -Verbesserung deiner ersten Summary, ganz gut nur ein paar style fehler.
  4. 7. Dezember 2008
    AW: Englisch

    Schreib Sachen wie dosen't aus, does not.
  5. 7. Dezember 2008
    AW: Englisch

    In chapter 4 of the book 'The Outsiders', written by Susan Eloise, Ponyboy & Johnny go for a walk near the fountain in the park around 2 o'clock in the morning.

    Suddenly the blue Mustang appears again and 5 Socs jump out. Two of them are Bob and Randy. They come for their revenge, because the three greasers picked up their girlfriends. Bob and Ponyboy trade insults and Bob starts to push Ponyboy's head under the water of the park fountain.
    Ponyboy wakes up after he passed out and sees Johnny's switchblade covered in blood. He understands that Johnny killed the Soc who tried to drown him.

    The two Greasers decide to go to Dally at Buck Merril's house in order to find some help. Dally hands them money and a loaded gun. Finally, he instructs them to take a train to Windrixville. After the ride, the two jump from the train and find the church. When they enter they fall asleep immediately.

    -In dem Text hattest du ein paar merkwürdige fehler : )

    so ist er besser
  6. 7. Dezember 2008
    AW: Englisch

    Kenn das Buch nicht und war nur ein bisschen wegen der Namen in Chapter 4 verwirrt Aber sonst doch gut, bisschen weniger Kommas vielleicht. Bin aber auch kein Englischspezialist! Sind also nur Tipps!
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