The Outsiders

Dieses Thema im Forum "Schule, Studium, Ausbildung" wurde erstellt von -Naruto-, 17. Dezember 2008 .

  1. 17. Dezember 2008
    Hallo erstmal,

    könntet ihr bitte diesen Text verbessern. Hierbei müsst ihr auf qword order, rechtschreibung Kommasetzung achten. Gerna könnt ihr auch wörter oder gar sätze verbessern. Ich bitte euch daum wenn ihr diesen text verbessert ihn zu kopieren und dann zu vebessern und nicht einfach die fehler einfaxch auf zuschreiben. Danke im vorraus.

    The Outsiders Reflections

    My opinion of the book “The Outsiders“, from S.E Hinton, is that it tells us about the problems about a human. This can be familiar problems or problems with friends. An example in the book can be Ponyboy’s friend, who affects him to break rules. As for me the book is really good, because it’s a realistic book about crime, gang fights and learning from mistakes.

    I found it easy to read the book, because many of the vocabularies in the book I already knew and some of the vocabularies which I didn’t knew I could infer from the context. Definite there were vocabularies which I didn’t knew but many of them were described on the bottom of the page.

    Two parts from the book I really like. The part, where Johnny died and the part, where Dally was kill by the police. They are my favourite parts because; the moment where the reader finds it out is really exciting. Furthermore Dally’s death was really surprisingly and I didn’t really have expected this. There was another thing, which I noticed and liked when I have read the story. The book is written by the perspective from Ponyboy Curtis. I really like it, because so I can put me better in the situation of Ponyboy.
  2. 17. Dezember 2008
    AW: The Outsiders

    jetzt mal davon abgesehen was inhaltlich dadrin steht, ich werde nur auf deine grammatik und style fehler eingehen.. habe das buch lange nicht mehr gelesen:

    The Outsiders - Reflections

    The problems of a human being; This is my opinion what the essence of this book is, either faimiliar problems or issues with friends. Many examples can be found in the story:
    Ponyboy’s friends, who affect him to break rules.
    -> mehr aufzählen
    As for me the book is really good, because it’s a realistic book about crime, gang fights and learning from mistakes.

    The book was easy to read because there are many vocabularies in the text I already knew and some of the vocabularies which I didn’t knew I could infer from the context. Definitely there were many new words but the most of them were described on the bottom of the page.

    Two parts from the book I really enjoyed are the scene, where Johnny dies and the part, where Dally is killed by the police. They are my favourite parts because the moment the reader experiences the happening it is really exciting for him. Furthermore Dally’s death was a great suprise and I wouldn't had expected this. There was another thing, which I noticed and liked when I read the story. The book is written by the perspective from Ponyboy Curtis, this is great because you are able to really feel what is going on inside of his mind
  3. 17. Dezember 2008
    AW: The Outsiders

    The Outsiders Reflections

    My opinion of the book “The Outsiders“ by S.E. Hinton, is that it treats the subject of the problems of the youth either with family or friends. To give an example, in the book Ponyboy’s friend persuades him to break the law. I think the book is really good, because it’s described very realistic, such as concerning crime, gang fights and learning from mistakes.

    In my opinon the book was easy to read, because I already knew much of the vocabulary and the unknown I could understand from the context or look up at the bottom of the page here they were explained.

    There were two parts of the book I really liked. The first one, where Johnny died and the second one, where Dally was killed by the police. These are my favourite parts because these passages are filled with tension and so the moment it happens I think is really exiting. Furthermore Dally’s death was really surprising so I couldn't foresee it. Another fact that made the book interesting is that it is written in the perspective of Ponyboy Curtis. I enjoyed this because therefore I could identify better with the protagonist.

    Sry, hab den post orher nich gesehn^^

    Aber Spawn hat schon recht, ein wenig detailierter kanns schon sein, aber das musst du schon selbst machen :]
  4. 17. Dezember 2008
    AW: The Outsiders

    wie wärs mal mit englisch lernen ? is ja grauenhaft, da is ja lothar matthäus' denglisch noch besser

    ALleine schon "I found it easy to reak the book" - schonmal gehört dass man die satzstellung vom deutuschen im englischen nicht übernehmen darf? Auf was für ner schule bist denn du? Also mehr als Hauptschule wird das nicht sein?

    Mal als kleine Hilfe z.b. "It was easy for me to read the book" ...
  5. 21. Dezember 2008
    AW: The Outsiders

    Ich hätte es an deiner Stelle nicht in einen Internet Übersetzer eingegeben, sondern selber auf English geschrieben.

    Oder du schreibst auf English genau so schlecht wie auf Deutsch -.-
  6. 22. Dezember 2008
    AW: The Outsiders

    Dein Post ist, genau wie taromisakis, verdammt überflüssig. Zugegeben sein Englisch ist nicht das beste, aber das ist erstens noch lange kein Grund, sich über ihn lustig zu machen, zweitens hat er nie behauptet, dass sein Englisch gut ist und er hat deswegen ja um Hilfe gebeten und drittens ist dein Englisch wohl auch nicht viel besser, denn man kann sehr wohl "I found it easy to read the book" schreiben. Guck es nach, wenn du mir nicht glaubst. Man kann es übriegens auch im Französischen, du Intelligenzbestie. Du bist hier echt die Lachnummer des Threads. Keine Ahnung von nicht, aber immer schön das Maul aufreißen. Das haben wir hier gerne.X(

    Aber mal zum Thema. Ich finde die Übersetzungen von Grizzleby besser als die von Spawn08. Hier also meine Verbesserungen dazu.

    "My opinion of the book “The Outsiders“ by S.E. Hinton (kein Komma) is that it is concerned with the subject of the problems of the youth either with family or friends. To give an example, in the book Ponyboy’s friend persuades him to break the law. I think the book is really good (kein Komma, unüblich) because it describs very realistic thinks like crime, gang fights and learning from mistakes.

    In my opinion, the book was easy to read (kein Komma) because I already knew much of the vocabulary and the unknown I could understand from the context or look up at the bottom of the page, where they were explained.

    There were two parts of the book I really liked. The first one, where Johnny died, (glaube ich) and the second one, where Dally was killed by the police. These are my favourite parts because these passages are filled with tension ("and" halte ich hier für überflüssig) , so the moment it happens ("I think" halte ich hier für überflüssig und müsste übrigens mit Kommata vom Hauptsatz getrennt werden) is really exciting. Furthermore, Dally’s death was really surprising so I couldn't foresee it. Another fact that made the book interesting is that it is written in the perspective of Ponyboy Curtis. I enjoyed this because therefore I could identify better with the protagonist."

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