Dumps / Sites / Stros .... 100%

Dieses Thema im Forum "Sicherheit & Datenschutz" wurde erstellt von DOWNandOUT, 26. August 2006 .

Status des Themas:
Es sind keine weiteren Antworten möglich.
  1. 26. August 2006
    Hi, ich weiss nicht ob jemand von euch nen Dumpaxx etc.. hat und was drauf flasht... der Dump bemerkt das was draufgeflasht wird und erstellt ordner z.B. solche:
    [ 49 of 49 files = 100% complete of 734.1MB] 
    Die sich automatisch ändern falls sich was verändert...

    Weiss jemand von euch wie man sowas installiert etc.. ?

    Jede Antwort = 10
  2. 26. August 2006
    wennd serv-u als ftp server hast, kannst jastat oder jasfv benutzen.. gibts auch für andere progs.. einfach mal google bemühen!
  3. 26. August 2006

    naja wenner von nem dump spricht, dann isses best iobanana weil dort oftmals ioftpd läuft

    aba bei serv u kann ich nur das empfehlen, was daeda gesagt hat... evtl kannst das au mit bots machen...

  4. 27. August 2006
    Hier hab ich mal ne readme für Jacheck rausgesucht,
    das wird Joel bestimmt weiter helfen.

    Just Another Complete Checker (JAcheck)
    JAcheck is mainly intended for use with Serv-U 4.x, but the JAcheck.exe can also
    be used with other FTP daemons if they allow starting external .exe programs to check
    files. To set up JAcheck.exe for these other FTP daemons, please look in their manual.
    - Use an executable packer like UPX (http://upx.sourceforge.net/).
    - You will only need to change some parts of old JAsfv.ini files.
    - You can use JAcheck.exe in the Windows shell by simply opening
     a file with it.
    - Dont use "s when specifying Dirs/Files!
    - Paths/Filenames can be relative or absolute. i.e. "Dir1" would be relative
     to the path from where JAcheck is installed, but "C:\Dir1" or 
     "\\Server\Share1" would be absolute.
    - FILE_ID.DIZ files get automatically extracted from uploaded ZIPs
    Command line parameters for JAcheck.exe:
    JAcheck.exe takes the following parameters:
    JAcheck.exe [action] <file/dir> [user] [speed] [CRC32]
    if action is not specified, it will assume STOR (check) as the default action.
    filename is required and should preferably be an absolute path to the file to check.
    user and speed are optional (if omitted, they will simply be left blank).
    STOR <filename> [user] [speed] [CRC32]
    checks filename and saves user with speed in tempcrc file. If CRC32 is specified,
    JAcheck doesnt calculate it's own checksum but will use this value.
    CWD <dirname>
    checks if there is a tempcrc file in that directory and displays race/upload stats
    if ShowDirStats=1 is set in .INI file.
    RMD <dirname>
    deletes all references to this dir (Progress meters, genre links, etc.)
    CHECKTREE <dirname>
    searches all subdirectories of dirname for .sfv and .zip files and checks
    them accordingly. (use "." to start with current directory)
    INI File Settings:
    tempcrcpath= Directory, where to store temporary CRC files.
     Can be any absolute directory, or use "." to store the file in the directory of the files.
     The temp file be hidden, so if you set "HideHidden=1" for your users, they wont see it.
     tempfilepath=. (recommended)
    keeptempcrc= Keep the temporary crc file after upload is complete (0=no,1=yes)
     If you set ShowDirStats=1, JAcheck will read out these files whenever someone enters 
     the directory and display the racestats/uploadstats for this directory.
    sfvext= Fileextensions, that are to be checked with SFV Checker.
     Can be up to 10 characters long. You can use * as the last character to include all characters.
     You can also use '#' as a replacement for "just digits" (use .r## for all extensions
     like r00-r99).
     You can specify max. 40 of these extensions.
     sfvext=.s## (if rar archive is bigger than 100 files)
     sfvext=.### (like .001-.999)
     sfvext=.* (this would check ALL files)
    checkpath= Path in which to check files.
     You can specify 40 of these paths...
    createprogress= where to store the progress indicator file.
     createprogress=0 Don't Create any progress at all
     createprogress=1 Create only in the directory where the files are uploaded
     createprogress=2 Create only in corresponding "checkpath"
     createprogress=3 Create in both
    CreateDirs= Create dirs instead of 0 byte files to indicate Progress (0=no,1=yes)
     This does NOT affect MP3 tag files. See under mp3tag= for that.
    CreateLinks= Create symbolic links to incomplete Dirs (.LNK files)
     This only works if you also set createprogress to 2 or 3
    pointoutnosfv= point out if there is no sfv file in the release directory? (0=no,1=yes)
     it's created in the directories specified by createprogress.
    sitename= NameTag that is added to Progress Indicators.
     It is limited to 20 Characters!
    deletebad= Delete or Rename files with Bad CRC or create a Tag-File to point out BAD files
     0=rename, 1=delete, 2=Only create a TAG-File (--[BAD]-[filename]-)
    renameuntested= Rename files that have not been tested because there is no sfv file (0=no,1=yes)
    createmissing= Create missing files (filename.missing) (0=no,1=yes)
    ProtectFiles= Protect already checked GOOD files against OVERWRITING (0=no,1=yes)
     If you allow Deleting in the Serv-U Ini, these files can still be deleted. 
    posttobot= defines if you want to create extra info for external programs
     0=off (No Bot), 1=Write to file (botfile)
    botfile= Status Messages are written into this file when posttobot is set to 1
     botfile=SiteBot.txt (that file would be created in JAcheck's install dir)
    CreateStatsFile= Create an extra ".racestats" files on upload (0=no,1=yes)
    ShowDirStats= Show Race/Upload Stats after each upload and when entering
     a directory (0=no,1=yes).
     For ioFTPD and Serv-U, this does NOT dependent on CreateStatsFile! If you
     set ShowDirStats=1, you can set CreateStatFile=0. .racestats files are NOT
     !!! If you want to keep the racestats even after an upload is complete,
     set keeptempcrc=1 !!!
    mp3info= Show MP3 tag info to the uploader (0=no,1=yes)
    mp3genrelink= (0=off, 1,2,3,4 see below)
     Create a LNK link file to mp3 album's directories in "mp3linkdir".
     0: off
     1: [YEAR]-[GENRE]-[PathName]
     2: [GENRE]-[YEAR]-[PathName]
     3: [GENRE]-[PathName]
     4: GENRE\PathName (this creates a Genre directory structure)
    MinNameLength= If a directory's name is smaller than this value, the name
     of the directory below is used as well for mp3 Genre Linking.
     for example with MinNameLength=0
     would be linked as "CD1"
     but with MinNameLength=8
     would be linked as "superduper-[2003]-XYZ-CD1"
    mp3linkdir= Where to create the LNKs for uploaded MP3 albums
     You can specify a different Mp3LinkDir for each single Checkpath.
     If you only specify one mp3linkdir, only that is used for all Checkpaths.
    mp3tag= Create a Tag file or Directory with year,genre and bitrate 
     info of uploaded files (0=no,1=create files, 2=create directories)
    RemoveComments= Remove Comment lines from SFV files (0=no,1=yes)
    AddComment= Add the contents of "CommentFile" to SFVs (0=no,1=yes)
    CommentFile= If AddComment is enabled, the contents of this file
     will be added to the beginning of every checked SFV file.
     !Each line of the comment file should start with ; to not corrupt the SFV!
  5. 27. August 2006
    Hat sich alles erledigt, habe es geschafft in die Serv-U einzubinden.

    @N0S: Es ist aber ein gemieteter Windows Root , kein Stro
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