Suchbegriffe für Google, um mpeg/mp3/etc zu finden

Dieses Thema im Forum "Sicherheit & Datenschutz" wurde erstellt von spionONE, 30. August 2005 .

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  1. 30. August 2005

    ich schau seit 20min hier wo ich das hinposten soll, jetzt pack ist das mal hier rein!

    hab in der suche nichts gefunden!!!

    also wie es die überschrift schon sagt, ich hatte mal sone liste mit "suchbegriffen" die man bei google einfach nur eingeben musste, und er hat dann alles mögliche gefunden, war gut um sachen zu suchen die man sonst nirgens bekommt...

    also das war son längerrer code:

    sah irgendwie so aus: =search(mp3)"mp3"/AUTOR-TITEL/sdufghs dlusd haste nicht gesehen...

    irgendwie so sah das aus...

    wenn jemand weiterhelfen kann, vielen dank schonmal im vorraus!!!!!!

    ich glaub das könnten auchnoch andere hier gebrauchen...

    mfg spionONE
  2. 30. August 2005
    = Index
    0) Key
    1) Directories
    2) Xitami Servers
    3) Directory Listing
    4) Andromeda Servers
    5) Zina Artists
    6) Apache mp3 Servers
    7) Individual Songs
    = Section 0 - KEY
    You this are just some definitions I will use below.
    [Directory String] can be any of the following :
    1) "index of"
    2) "last modified"
    3) "parent of" 
    [file type] can be any of the following :
    1) "mp3"
    2) "shn"
    3) "wma"
    [mp3 name] can be any of the following :
    1) the name of the album in quotes
    2) the name of the artist in quotes
    3) be daring and leave it blank and have lots of links
    4) be creative!
    1) -html -htm -php -asp -txt -pls
    (inurl:) is optional and may be omitted and in fact most be
    omitted if not using a search tool other than google.
    (intitle:) can be used in place of (inurl:) and has a similar effect
    again you must be useing google.
    (-filetype:txt) adding this to the end of your search string can
    filter some false positives.
    (-playlist) adding this to the end of your search string can
    filter some false positives.
    = Section 1 - Directories
    These are the most common way that mp3s are stored on the www, you
    should try these strings first.
    String Format : 
    Type 1 : [Directory String] + (inurl:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
    Type 2 : [Directory String] + (intitle:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
    Type 3 : [Directory String] + [file type] + [mp3 name] + [limitors]
    Example Strings :
    - intitle:index.of + mp3 + "grandaddy" -html -htm -php -asp -txt -pls
    - "index of" + "mp3" + "radiohead" -html -htm -php
    - "index of" + mp3 + "grandaddy"
    - "index of" + inurl:mp3 + "beatles" -txt -pls
    - "index of" + intitle:mp3 + beatles
    - "last modified" + "shn" + "dylan"
    - "last modified" + inurl:shn + "bob dylan"
    - "parent of" + inurl:wma + "grandaddy"
    Suggestions : 
    - Try (intitle:index.of + "mp3" + "band name" -htm -html -php -asp) first it 
    is usually the most effective.
    Another Little Trick:
    - If you have been getting alot of results on google but the pages don't seem
    to be there try adding dates and the "apache" string to your search i.e.
    - intitle:index.of + mp3 + "grandaddy" -html -htm -php -asp apache feb-2005
    - intitle:index.of + mp3 + "grandaddy" -html -htm -php -asp apache 2005
    or if you just want a big list of mp3' doing a search like this everymonth
    - intitle:index.of + mp3 + -html -htm -php -asp apache mar
    = Section 2 - Xitami Servers
    String Format : 
    Type 1 : "xitami web server" + (inurl:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
    Type 2 : "xitami web server" + (intitle:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
    Example Strings :
    - "xitami web server" + "mp3" + "radiohead"
    - "xitami web server" + intitle:shn + "beatles"
    - "xitami web server" + inurl:mp3 + "magnetic fields"
    = Section 3 - Directory Listing
    String Format :
    Type 1 : "directory listings" + (inurl:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
    Type 2 : "directory listings" + (intitle:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
    Type 3 : "directory listings of" + (inurl:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
    Type 4 : "directory listings of" + (intitle:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
    Example Strings
    - "directory listings" + "mp3" + "radiohead"
    - "directory listings" + intitle:shn + "beatles"
    - "directory listings" + inurl:mp3 + "magnetic fields"
    - "directory listings of" + "mp3" + "radiohead"
    - "directory listings of" + intitle:shn + "beatles"
    - "directory listings of" + inurl:mp3 + "magnetic fields"
    = Section 4 - Andromeda Servers
    String Format :
    Type 1 : "scott matthews" + andromeda + [mp3 name]
    Type 2 : "scott matthews" + andromeda + [file type] + [mp3 name]
    Type 3 : "powered by andromeda" + [mp3 name]
    Type 4 : "powered by andromeda" + [file type] + [mp3 name]
    Type 5 : inurl:andromeda.php + [mp3 name]
    Type 6 : inurl:anromeda.php + [file type] + [mp3 name]
    Type 7 : "scott matthews" 
    Type 8 : "powered by andromeda"
    Type 9 : inurl:andromeda.php 
    Examples :
    - "scott matthews" + andromeda + "radiohead"
    - "scott matthews" + andromeda + "mp3" + "fitter"
    - "powered by andromeda" + "gradaddy"
    - "powered by andromeda" + "mp3" + "just like women"
    - inurl:andromeda.php + "shn"
    - inurl:anromeda.php + "wma" + "dylan"
    - "scott matthews" 
    - "powered by andromeda"
    - inurl:andromeda.php 
    = Section 5 - Zina Artists
    String Format : 
    Type 1 : "zina artists"
    Examples :
    - "zina artists"
    = Section 6 - Apache mp3 Servers
    String Format :
    Type 1 : "stream all" + apache + [mp3 name]
    Type 2 : "stream all" + apache 
    Type 3 : "shuffle all" + apache + [mp3 name]
    Type 4 : "shuffle all" + apache
    Examples :
    - "stream all" + apache
    - "stream all" "shuffle all" mp3
    - "stream all" + apache + radiohead
    - "shuffle all" + beatles
    = Section 7 - Individual Songs
    Format : [mp3 name].mp3 -playlist -filetype:txt
    Examples :
    - "ok_computer_live.mp3" -playlist -filetype:txt
    - "*ok_computer*.mp3" -playlist -filetype:txt
    - kid*a.mp3 -playlist -filetype:txt
  3. Video Script

    Videos zum Themenbereich

    * gefundene Videos auf YouTube, anhand der Überschrift.