Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

Dieses Thema im Forum "Wissenschaft & Forschung" wurde erstellt von bushido, 29. März 2011 .

  1. 13. September 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    Damit es dann wieder in den Schubladen verschwindet und das alte System aufrecht erhalten bleibt. Wer weiss, was in den letzten 60 Jahren so alles in eben diesen Schubladen verschwunden ist, wer weiss, ob es nicht längst Technologien gibt, die alle unsere herkömmlichen Wege der Stromerzeugung ersetzen und unsere Fortbewegung völlig verändern würden.

    Ich glaube genau das ist der Grund warum Rossi so zurückhaltend ist und sich im Moment noch gegen zu viel Informationsweitergabe sträubt. Vielleicht ist es trotz der Zweifel und Ablehnung, die ihm im Moment entgegengebracht wird, der richtige Weg. Wir sollten in unser aller Interesse darauf hoffen, dass seine Forschung ein Erfolg wird.
  2. 13. September 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    Naja, ich weiß nicht. In meinen Augen ist das immernoch scharlatanerei, einfach weil dort keine kalte Fusion abläuft, sondern wohl eher eine stink normale exotherme chemische Reaktion.
    Als ich dann noch gelesen habe, sie wollen einen Selbstzerstörungsmechanismus einbauen in das Gerät damit niemand das aufmachen kann und rein schauen kann, waren bei mir die Warnleuchten schon an.... somit ist ja gar keine Möglichkeit gegeben es nach zu prüfen.
  3. 13. September 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    Deshalb lass uns mit Freude, das was da noch kommt, abwarten.

    Du kannst Rossi immer noch "bashen", wenn das Ganze sich als Farce herausstellt.
  4. 14. September 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    Ach niemals, ich wollte ihn nie bashen und werde ihn nie bashen. Ist nicht mein Niveau, auch wenn ich manchmal etwas zu emotionsvoll in eine Diskussion gehe.
    Im Prinzip finde ich ja den Tatendrang und den Erfindungsgeist gut, aber wenn er so offensichtlich dem Konsens widerspricht ist das halt a weng unglaubwürdig.

    Wenn mir morgen jemand nen Gerät vor die Nase stellt, welches aus Energie, Materie erschafft und das funktioniert und er hat den Mechanismus erklärt, meine Güte ich wär super Glücklich und würd feiern.

    Aber wenn er geheimnistuerei betreibt und am Ende ist da nur ein Männchen was ausm Kühlschrank die sachen gibt, wäre ich erbost...
  5. 16. September 2011
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 14. April 2017
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?


    Rossi's 1 MW Cold Fusion E-Cat Reactor Photos and Video Posted

    As Defkalion continues to remain silent, Andrea Rossi's one megawatt -- and mostly self sustaining -- Ni-H cold fusion reactor nears launch. Rumors are circulating about the launch of this system, photos and video of the device have been posted, a test by NyTeknik has been performed on a new model of E-Cat, and Rossi continues to make remarks on his blog.

    {img-src: http://pesn.com/2011/09/14/9501913_Rossis_One_Megawatt_Reactor_Gets_A_New_E-Cat_Model/Rossi-1MW_Mats10005_600px_rd.jpg}
    Photo by Mats Lewan, Ny Teknik

    Weitere Fotos

    Racks of 52 units

    {img-src: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ICMgJ9aZ-LA/Tm_jECcnRFI/AAAAAAAAFg4/L1wJ3zxkHb8/s1600/1MWplant2.jpeg}

    Input water pump

    {img-src: http://www.nyteknik.se/incoming/article3264395.ece/BINARY/original/DSC_0010_600px.jpg}

    Output steam emerges on back side.

    {img-src: http://www.nyteknik.se/incoming/article3264397.ece/BINARY/original/DSC_0015_400px.jpg}

    {img-src: http://www.nyteknik.se/incoming/article3264396.ece/BINARY/original/DSC_0014_600px.jpg}

    Photos by Mats Lewan, Ny Teknik

    by Hank Mills with Sterling D. Allan

    Pure Energy Systems News

    I'm more excited than ever about the prospect of cold fusion technology suddenly hitting the world this October. Anyone who has been following this saga closely and realizes the significance of the E-Cat technology should also be excited. It represents a technology that could provide for all of the world's energy needs reliably, cheaply, cleanly, and safely. With most of the world focused on other topics, this energy panacea is poised to zoom in and shake the foundations of our civilization.

    In the past several days, news updates and rumors about the launch of the E-Cat technology have been spreading on the internet. Some of the news has been coming from Andrea Rossi himself, who has frequently been posting on his blog, "The Journal of Nuclear Physics." In the comment sections of the blog, he has been answering many questions, and sharing bits of information about his progress on the one megawatt plant. Here are a few of the bits of information he has shared.

    - The launch of the one megawatt plant is still scheduled to take place near the end of October.

    - The one megawatt plant will be "mostly" self sustaining, in that for the majority of the time it will operate without any external input of power.

    - The date and location of the launch of the one megawatt plant will be kept confidential until the day before the launch. (Invited guests will have 1 week notice.) This is because the location of the one megawatt plant would immediately reveal the identity of Rossi's partner company.

    - The work on the one megawatt plant is going well, but Rossi still has not received financing, and is having to pay for all the work out of his own pocket. He claims costs are going up, but the launch of the one megawatt plant is still on schedule.

    - He claims that the E-Cat technology will be used in homes sooner than expected, because certifications will not be as difficult to obtain as they were expected to be.

    - There will be a live video stream of the launch of the one megawatt plant.

    - They are testing a device that can use the output of the E-Cat to make cooling.

    Here are a couple of his recent posts.
    (edited slightly for punctuation)

    NytekNik's One Megawatt Scoop

    In addition to the statements coming from Andrea Rossi, there have been news and updates coming from other sources. One of these is the blog 22 PASSI D'AMORE e dintorni of Daniel Passi. He has stated that he has been given photos that show the inside of the one megawatt device, and that he will run a story on it in the near future. It turns out -- while this article was being written -- that his story is a report on how the Swedish website Ny Teknik has obtained photos and video of the one megawatt device. Also, they were able to perform a test of a new model of E-Cat, which clearly shows a large gain of energy.

    It turns out that the last version of the E-Cat has been scrapped, and a new model is going to be used in the one megawatt reactor. According to the Passi blog, this new design was developed with input from talks with Sven Kullander of the Swedish Physical and Hanno Essen, focusing primarily on research by Hidetsugu Ikegami, a professor emeritus at the University of Osaka in Japan. This model is larger (it can still fit on a table top), due to a larger volume of water in the device, and a larger heat exchanger. The new model can also produce a larger output of energy, up to a safe level of 27 kilowatts.

    Inside of the one megawatt system, there are 52 modules (instead of 300 smaller modules) that work together to produce one megawatt of output. Assembled in Bologna from parts made in Miami, FL, the device assemble in a shipping container is in transit to the United States for the October launch.

    The units are assembled in four rows along the two longer walls of the approximate 7 meter shipping container. Each unit has a valve for loading hydrogen as well as an electrical resistance device to 'prime' the reaction with start-up heat.

    The output from the pipes from each unit are connected to a single tube exiting the back side of the container. Near the front of the unit, on the left side is a pump for inputting the water to be heated.

    During the test of the new module, the system was fed an input of 2.6 kilowatts, and the output was -- at a minimum -- 3.8 kilowatts. In the best case, it was producing up to 7.8 kilowatts of output. Mats Lewan who performed the test admits it was rushed, they were short of time, and they did not have time to prepare well for the test.

    Interestingly, he also witnessed the device operate in self sustain mode -- with only the input needed to power the control electronics -- for 35 minutes. During this time period the temperature inside of the reactor only dropped about ten degrees Celsius from around 130 C. It continually produced steam without any input power.

    This test seems to confirm without a doubt that this technology is valid, and works as claimed. Interestingly, Daniel Passi who blogged about this test, has sardonically dedicated the post about it to Steven Krivit (an individual who Andrea Rossi has called a "snake" and has been attacking the technology).

    What is Defkalion up too?

    While the news about Andrea Rossi and the E-Cat heats up, information from Defkalion has become non-existent. Defkalion is the company that previously acquired rights to the Ni-H fusion technology from Rossi, and had planned a demo in October (using the reactor that Rossi is now going to demo in the USA). However, Rossi terminated the licensing agreement, and stated they had never built or tested a working reactor core. (Links) When this happened, Defkalion issued a few press releases stating they would continue their work on the technology as planned, but since then have became silent.

    Could Defkalion be planning a demo of a one megawatt (or even higher capacity) device of their own design in October? They claimed on their forum -- before it was shut down -- that they had built a wide array of units (from kilowatt range to 3.4 megawatts) that were being tested by the Greek government. If this is true, then they could potentially demo one of these systems in October.

    At a minimum, it would be great to get an update from Defkalion. Unlike Rossi, they have never allowed anyone to publish a photo of one of their devices, perform a test with one of their devices, or make a video of a device. Rossi has allowed multiple tests to be performed on his E-Cats, but we have never heard about a test of a Hyperion (what Defkalion calls their product). It is possible they are glad to be off the radar, so they can do their work quietly without as much public interest.

    Today, we sent an email to Defkalion in hopes of getting an update.
    Dear Defkalion Green Technologies Inc,

    Promo Video A Few Days Ago

    On September 12, our friends at Free Energy Truth posted the following video, which now seems prophetic.

    Here's the text from that video:

    Wake Up Planet Earth

    The citizens, media networks, and governments of the world need to WAKE UP to the fact that cold fusion technology is about to revolutionize human civilization. It is sad to see that the irrational skepticism of many have resulted in this technology obtaining almost no mainstream media attention. The silence has been deafening. In a way this is a good thing, because when the technology does break through the barrier the skeptics desperately are trying to keep up, the power of the alternative media will become obvious. Simply put, the alternative media recognized and reported on this technology before 99% of the mainstream media, who obsess about much less credible things such as who the frontrunners are in the U.S. Presidential race, ignoring the giant, Ron Paul, who is garnering huge public approval for his long-proven stance on freedom, getting us out of entangling wars, ending the fed, etc. Mainstream media is a propaganda ***** of the corrupt establishment. What else should we expect than silence on the most exciting energy development available? This is becoming more and more blatant and will help expose their lap-dog place in history for the powers that be that have been purposely destroying our civilization.

    While the mainstream media sleeps, PESN will continue reporting about the E-Cat technology.

    Quelle: PESN


    Kleines Update, welches ich gerade gefunden habe und euch nicht vorenthalten möchte.

    Es gibt dutzende von Links zu dem Thema unter dem Artikel in der Quelle. Viel Spass beim Lesen.
  6. 21. September 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    ach ja^^ das ist ja auch sooo schwer in der blackbox zu realisieren *zweifel*

    aber erstmal noch nen ganzes jahr lang spenden abgreifen. wie mir das bekannt vorkommt

    *hust* http://www.blacklightpower.com/ *hust*
  7. 21. September 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    was is schwer in der blackbox zu realisieren?
  8. 21. September 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    wärme, meinte ich. da kann ich ungefähr jeden 2. CHEMISCHEN prozess drin ablaufen lassen, der mir in den kopf kommt. Naja... man wird sehen.
  9. 22. September 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    Er sagt ja, dass er die Identität seiner Partnerfirma noch nicht verraten will.

    Aber was für eine Rolle spielt dann Defkalion?

    Im Text steht:
    Also ist das die Firma, die bereits die Rechte für den Generator von Rossi gekauft hat?

    Iwie steh ich grad aufm Schlauch ?(

    soon the world will change...

  10. 22. September 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    Soon will nothing change, und die Firma hatte vorher Rechte an dem Prinzip was der Herr Rossi dort nimmt, da gibt es im Moment einen Rechtsstreit drum.
  11. 22. September 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    Wie die Rechte genau aussehen, welche Bedingungen ausgehandelt wurden, kann keiner von uns genau sagen. Fakt ist, funktioniert das Teil, dann wird sich Einiges ändern. Also abwarten.
  12. 22. September 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    ist euch eigentl. mal aufgefallen, das er jede art von energie übertragung abstreitet?

    1.: normale wärme: nein da kalte fusion
    2.: übertrag per teilchenstrahlung: nein, er behauptet es ist keine vorhanden
    3.: übertragung per photonen: er behauptet es entsteht keine gamma strahlung.

    das schließt alle bekannten wege der übertragung von energie vom e-cat weg aus wie will er dann hitze erzeugen?

    nur so nen detail, das mir gerade aufgefallen ist.
  13. 4. Oktober 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    Scientists to Test Cold Fusion E-Cat

    Mal schaun was dabei herauskommt...

    Und Rossis Erfindung wurde zum Ersten mal im öffentlichen TV erwähnt und zwar im Niederländischen:

    E-Cat Gets Some Attention in Dutch Public TV Documentary
  14. 4. Oktober 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    ist das jetzt schon das event das man per livestream verfolgen kann im internet?
  15. 4. Oktober 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    Ich glaube nicht.

    So wie ich das verstanden habe, wird am 6. nur der "kleine" Generator getestet.

    Ende Oktober soll ja das 1MW Kraftwerk in Betrieb gehen und das sollte dann per Livestream ins Internet gehen.
  16. 8. Oktober 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    habe das hier gefunden. ist aber auch mehr journalistisch als wissenschaftlich :/

    News:Real-Time Updates on the October 6, 2011 E-Cat Test - PESWiki

    Bisher bringt das zeug wärme. Ob es nun eine chemische oder eine Kernreaktion ist, ist allerdings nicht zu erkenne.

    was ich trotz allem nicht verstehe: wo kommt das neue gewicht her? ich meine bei der fusion entsteht ja keine masse... und vorallem: woher kommt die masse im wärme tauscher? in dem sollte ja gleich garnix passiert sein??


    Eine weitere seltsame sache: Ist die Energie die benötigt wird um Wasserstoff zu gewinnen mit eingerechnet? kann ja nicht, denn sonst würde der "energy-input" ja nie auf 0 sinken! Wasserstoff + Sauerstoff zu heißem Wasser werden lassen ist nun wirklicht nicht die Kunst :/

    wenn ich morgen die Zeit habe, werde ich mal etwas number crunching betreiben und das nachrechnen.

  17. 8. Oktober 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    Sehr schön diesmal bist du mir zuvor gekommen , Artikel habe ich gestern Abend spät auch gesehen, aber macht nichts. Langsam scheint das Ganze ja doch etwas an Fahrt zu gewinnen, auch wenn natürlich noch nicht alle Details an der Öffentlichkeit sind.
  18. 11. Oktober 2011
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 14. April 2017
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?


    Yeah, mal schaun was dann dabei rauskommt

    Hier noch ein Diagramm von dem Test von letzter Woche:
    {img-src: http://i.imgur.com/sMn1ph.png}
  19. 27. Oktober 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    Here are the analyses
    of the latest E-cat test - NyTeknik

    Morgen soll der 1MW Reaktor ja in Betrieb gehen!
  20. 27. Oktober 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    ich hatte ja "versprochen" mal selbst etwas rum zurechnen. leider bin ich auf ein paar probleme gestoßen! Das größte: ich kann nirgends finden wie denn der aufbau nun genau funktioniert! Wo werden was für gasflaschen angeschlossen? welche davon wird schwerer? was ist in den Gasflaschen? was verstehen die leute unter "energie zufuhr"? in welchem form wird dort was zugeführt?

    leider kann ich auf keine dieser Fragen antworten finden. Deswegen ist es mir auch nicht möglich, selbst etwas rumzurechnen.

    vllt könnt ihr mir helfen?
  21. 29. Oktober 2011
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 13. April 2017
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    1 MW E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful

    On October 28, 2011, Andrea Rossi demonstrated his 1 megawatt E-Cat system to his first customer, who had engineers/scientists on hand to test/validate its performance. Due to a glitch, it provided 470 kW of continuous power for 5.5 hours during the self-sustained mode.

    Well, the big day has come and gone. Andrea Rossi's one-megawatt-capable E-Cat cold fusion device has been tested in Bologna, Italy; and the unknown customer, who ran the test, is apparently happy.

    There were some issues, so it couldn't be run at full power in self-looped mode, but what it did do was plenty impressive.

    It ran for 5.5 hours producing 470 kW, while in self-looped mode. That means no substantial external energy was required to make it run, because it kept itself running, even while producing an excess of nearly half a megawatt. Rossi explained the reasons for this in the presentation he gave, which I videotaped and will be posting later.

    That's half the rated capacity, but it is still a major accomplishment for the device that was completed earlier this week -- the first of its kind on the planet.

    Early in the day with a glitch showing up, Rossi said that they had to make a decision about whether to go for 1 MW output, not in self-sustain mode, or with self-sustain mode at a lower power level. The customer opted to go for the self-sustain mode. Nothing was said about the prospects of a follow-up test, though I would imagine that the customer will be running many tests to understand this gadget they have purchased, and that information will be conveyed to Rossi.

    When I asked him during the Q&A session if the customer was satisfied with the test, Rossi responded, "Yes, I think they are satisfied."

    Here is a brief video excerpt highlight from Rossi during his 1-hour reading of the public report from the customer, followed by a question and answer session. I recorded the entire presentation, and we'll post that tomorrow, hopefully along with a transcription. Half the time was in Italian, as he would address each item in Italian as well as English.

    In this excerpt, Rossi responds to the question, "So, is this a breakthrough?"


    Here's a transcription of the excerpt video:

    Early this year Andrea Rossi announced his plans to construct and test the world's first one megawatt cold fusion plant. The plant would utilize his E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) technology that utilizes tiny quantities of nickel powder and hydrogen gas as fuel, while producing large amounts of energy in the form of heat. Importantly, the energy is produced without emitting any pollution, utilizing any radioactive materials, or producing any nuclear waste. Simply put, the E-Cat offers the world a source of cheap, safe, and clean energy. Although the exact plans for the launch of the technology were adjusted a few times throughout the course of this year, October 28th, 2011 was settled on for the date of the official test of the one megawatt plant by the first customer.

    These first plants will cost around $2,000 per kilowatt to build one at a time, but once they are mass produced, Rossi expects the price to drop to around $100 per kilowatt installed.

    Attendance at this test was limited for several reasons. First, the customer does not wish to be known at this time, nor to have its test engineers/scientists identified. I did not inadvertently discover the customer's identify, nor did I try to find out. I gave that group their space and did not probe. Second, the device is a nuclear device, and the regulations for a public demonstration are extremely stringent; so by making the event private, and only bringing one or two at a time to see it was a way to get around the safety requirements.

    Most of us (around 30 guests total) arrived between 9 and 10 am; and by around 11 am, Rossi began taking people back to see the device while it was in operation, in self-sustained mode. Here's a video I shot, with Rossi's permission, during my 2-3 minute chance to see the unit during operation:


    ower for start-up (resistive coils that provided heat to the reaction chambers) was provided by the large and loud genset (was making all the noise) you see that is nearly as large as the small shipping container in which the 1 MW E-Cat plant was arranged. Once the reaction chambers got up to temperature, they were maintained by the heat produced by the reaction. I'm not sure why they kept the generator running after that, but I would guess it was for back-up or safety. I'm sure the engineers testing the system made sure what the power levels were at all times.

    There were 100 E-Cat modules, each with 3 reaction chambers in them, for a total of 300 reaction chambers. An additional 20 or so units had been installed on the top of the shipping container, compared to the earlier photos and videos we had seen. Steam was produced by the units and exited through the back in the bottom of the two pipes. The steam was not put to use to run a load but the heat was dumped via two radiators, distilled, and circulated back into the system. When looking inside the plant, I noticed that one of the E-Cat units had a little steam escaping from the front of it.

    The top pipe in the back, which was closed, was for emergency cool-down, if needed.

    Each unit was run independently through a computerized control. The input and output temperature readings were recorded by computer, and the data will be provided to us probably later this evening or tomorrow morning. When I went by there, I think the input was measuring 19 C, and the output was 109 C.

    Radiation measurements were taken by Dr. Bianchini David, from the University of Bologna. He said no extraneous radiation was detected at any time emanating from the reaction chambers, or from the piping, or from the water tanks, or in the vicinity of the apparatus. Apparently, gamma radiation is produced during the reaction, which is shielded by water, iron, lead, and a final coating on the apparatus. David said that he has not measured gamma radiation from the device, because he has not had access to the reaction chamber while it has been unshielded.

    None of the units were taken apart following this test, as was the one back on the October 6 test. I asked Rossi whether any radio frequencies were used in the test, and he said "no".

    I would estimate that there were about 12 people assisting with the test arrangement, including: 3-4 security guards, 1 caterer, 2 receptionists who checked to make sure everyone was invited and wore the required badges, 3-4 engineers helping take measurements, Foccardi was helping take guests 1-2 at a time back to see the unit.

    I especially enjoyed mingling with the other guests, including: Mats Lewan from NyTeknik; Irene Zreick from Focus.it; Peter Svensson, Technology Writer for the Associated Press, NY, who told me that the reason the mainstream press hasn't been covering this is because Rossi has been very picky about who he lets in; Enrico Billi, a nuclear physicist and friend of Rossi's, who is presently living in China and helping to open doors there for this technology; Professor Christos Stremmenos, from the University of Bologna, who told me all about his theory of how the technology works; Pierre Clauzon, nuclear engineering professor from France, who told me about several theoretical physicists trying to understand cold fusion in general and the E-Cat in particular; Uzikova Irina, a nuclear plant designer from Russia; Stefan Heglesson, representing a Swedish interest in the technology; Loris Ferrari, Associate Professor of Condensed Matter Physics from the University of Bologna, who will be one of the five professors to do the two year test of the E-Cat, which hopefully will be funded as a result of today's test. They will study both the "how" and the "why" of the technology.

    Mats and I agreed to post our stories at the same time. Peter was going to go first, having been given an exclusive by Rossi, but it's going to be a few days before he gets the necessary info and editorial approvals before he's able to run a story in the Associated Press.

    Probably the biggest opening for skeptics will be the continually running genset that is probably rated for 500 kW (my guess), and appears to have been connected by cables to the E-Cat. "Where's the mystery?" So knock yourselves out, skeptics. It's the customer who has to be happy, and apparently this one was satisfied that those cables were not contributing to the 470 kW output during self-sustaining mode.

    Here's a video where Rossi talks to us briefly following the test, saying that a report will come shortly; and giving us the reason for why we couldn't go back during the test except 1-2 at a time.


    And here's a video of a couple of 1 MW generators that were in the room where we were hanging out, which were from an earlier project Rossi was involved with, running on biofuel.


    Quelle: 1 MW E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful


    Die letzten beiden Videos auf der Webseite sind identisch. Ich vermute mal da liegt ein Fahler vor. Ich werde das Video ergänzen sobald es verfügbar ist. Auf der Seite befinden sich auch diverse Fotos und einige Links im Text.

    Hier ein weiterer Artikel:

    Cold Fusion: Future of physics or phoney? (Wired UK)
  22. 2. November 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    heute erschien ein artikel auf faz.net zu diesem thema:
    Kalte Fusion: Ein italienisches Energiemärchen - Physik & Chemie - FAZ

    ich weiss nich ob er auch so abgedruckt wurde aber immerhin ist es jetzt auch in bekannteren medien mal in erscheinung getreten.
  23. 3. November 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?


    Scheint ja alles gut gelaufen zu sein.

    Mal schaun wann es die ersten E-Cats für Privatleute zu kaufen gibt und was unsere tolle Regierung davon hält.

    Stellt euch mal vor, wieviel Steuern für Heizöl dann in den Kassen der Regierung fehlt...

    Was glaubt ihr werden die dagegen unternehmen? Kommt ne Brotsteuer?
    Oder wird das Teil erstmal in DE verboten... ^^

    Und an die Skeptiker:


    Hier werden folgende Punkte genannt, die für Rossis Erfindung sprechen:

    Fox News berichten jetzt auch darüber, grad Fox... ^^
  24. 3. November 2011
    AW: Kalte Fusion in der Black Box?

    Es wird JAHRE dauern, ehe auch nur darüber spekuliert werden wird, dass so ein Ding in einem Privathaushalt steht.

    Zu unbekannt die Art der Energiegewinnung. Zu unbekannt die Gefahren.

    Denkt also nicht, ihr hättet ende 2012 so ein Ding in eurem Keller stehen.

    Sofern es denn überhaupt funktioniert.

    Ist z.B. Stevia als Zuckerersatz in den USA/EU mittlerweile als Zuckerersatz erlaubt?
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